Affordable Housing YK

What is affordable housing in Yellowknife?
In collaboration with local housing and social justice advocates, support providers and policymakers in Yellowknife, researchers Lisa Freeman and Julia Christensen have developed a knowledge-sharing tool in the form of a fold-out poster titled: What is Affordable Housing in Yellowknife?
Along with Una Lee, a graphic designer and creative director at the collaborative design studio, AndAlsoToo, Freeman, Christensen and community collaborators worked together to identify the key barriers to housing affordability in Yellowknife as well as brainstorm distinctly Yellowknife solutions. The poster was illustrated by Jazmine Gardner of Soaring Tortoise Creative.
The poster will be delivered by mail in the beginning of August to each household in Yellowknife, N’Dilo and Dettah, as well as distributed to key non-governmental and governmental organizations in the community. The objective is to get community members talking about housing affordability, dreaming up solutions, and taking these ideas to their community leaders.
This project has been funded by the Resources and Sustainable Development in the Arctic (ReSDA) project, and developed in partnership with Alternatives North.
For more information on this research and resource, contact:
Dr. Lisa Freeman (Kwantlen Polytechnic University)
lisa (dot) freeman (at) kpu (dot) ca
Dr. Julia Christensen (Memorial University)
jchristensen (at) mun (dot) ca
For information on housing assistance in Yellowknife, contact:
SideDoor Youth Resource Centre and Transitional Housing