Associate Professor / Geography and Planning / Queen's University / Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe Homelands / Dish With One Spoon Wampum / Kingston, ON / Canada


GEOG 6900: Critical Northern Geographies


Fall 2018 Graduate Seminar in Geography

Instructor: Dr. Julia Christensen, CRC in Northern Governance and Public Policy / Day and time: Tuesdays, 1-3:50pm

Geographic research has had a long and often problematic history in northern regions. In recent years, however, critical geographic approaches have emerged to offer new insight into the study of social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental change in the region. Alongside this development is a growing call from northern communities who advocate for increasing direction over research taking place on their lands. In this course, students will explore critical geographic approaches in the Canadian and circumpolar Norths in an effort to understand past and present northern geographies related to a range of themes including: Indigenous self-determination, colonial and decolonizing formations, uneven development, housing, social determinants of health, migration and urbanization, climate change, rapid socio-cultural change, extractive industries, food security, sovereignty, and ethics and responsibility in northern research. 

For more information, please email Dr. Julia Christensen at