Selected Publications
Here are some examples of my recent writing.
Christensen, Julia, Steven Arnfjord, Sally Carraher, and Travis Hedwig (eds). Housing, homelessness and social policy in the Urban North: Alaska, northern Canada and Greenland. University of Toronto Press, 2024.
Christensen, J., Cox, C. and L. Szabo-Jones (eds). Forthcoming 2018. Activating the heart: storytelling, knowledge sharing and relationship. Kitchener-Waterloo, ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press.
Christensen, J. 2017. No home in a homeland: Indigenous peoples and homelessness in the Canadian North. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia Press.
Peters, E. J. and Christensen, J. (eds.) 2016. International geographical perspectives on Indigenous home and homelessness. Winnipeg, MB: University of Manitoba Press.
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Goldhar, Christina, Arielle Frenette, Aimée Pugsley, Danielle Browne, Kathleen Hackett, Veronica Madsen, Gillian McNaughton, and Julia Christensen. "Critical Northern Geography: A Theoretical Framework, Research Praxis and Call to Action in our (Post) Pandemic Worlds." ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 21, no. 3 (2022): 270-283.
Christensen, Julia. "Call to Action: Unsettling Topographies." Journal of Architectural Education 74, no. 2 (2020): 173-175.
Christensen, J., Arnfjord, S., Carraher, S., and Hedwig, T. 2017. Homelessness across Alaska, the Canadian North and Greenland: A Review of the Literature on a Developing Social Phenomenon in the Circumpolar North. Arctic, 70(4).
Arnfjord, S. and Christensen, J. 2017. De søger trygheden: Kvinder ramt af hjemløshed i Nuuk [They seek safety: women affected by homelessness in Nuuk]. Psyke & Logos, 38(1):23 –33.
de Leeuw, S., Parkes, M., Sloan Morgan, V., Christensen, J., Lindsay, N., Mitchell-Foster, K., and J. Russell. 2017. Going unscripted: A call to critically engage storytelling methods and methodologies in geography and the medical-health sciences. The Canadian Geographer, 61(2): 152-164.
Christensen, J. 2016. Indigenous housing and health in the Canadian North: revisiting cultural safety. Health & Place, 40, 83-90.
MacKenzie, C. A., Christensen, J., & Turner, S. 2015. Advocating beyond the academy: dilemmas of communicating relevant research results. Qualitative Research, 15, 57-70.
Mackenzie, C.A., Ricker, B., Christensen, J., Heller, E., Kagan, E. Osano, P.M., Long, L., and S. Turner. 2013. Dear diary revisited: Reflecting on collaborative journaling. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 37(4), 480-486.
Christensen, J. 2013. ‘Our home, our way of life’: spiritual homelessness and the socio-cultural dimensions of Indigenous homelessness in the Northwest Territories (NWT), Canada. Journal of Social and Cultural Geography, 14(7), 804-828.
Christensen, J. 2013. Eskimo ice cream and Kraft Dinner goulash: the cultural geographies of food in three community cookbooks from the Northwest Territories (NWT), Canada. Cuizine, 4 (2).
Christensen, J. 2013. To Catch a Coney Fish With Bare Hands: a geographically-oriented creative work. The Geographical Review, 103 (2), 219-229.
Bazely, D., Christensen, J., and A. Tanentzap. 2013. Bridging the gaps between ecology and human security. In Bazely, D. and G. Hoogensen (eds): Environmental and Human Security in the Arctic. Hampshire, UK: EarthScan Press.
Christensen, J. 2012. “They want a different life”: rural northern settlement dynamics and pathways to homelessness in Yellowknife and Inuvik, Northwest Territories. The Canadian Geographer, 56 (4), 419-438.
Christensen, J. 2012. Telling stories: Exploring research storytelling as a meaningful approach to knowledge mobilization with Indigenous research collaborators and diverse audiences in community-based participatory research. The Canadian Geographer, 56 (2), 231-242.
Heller, E., Christensen, J., Long, L., Mackenzie, C., Osano, P., Turner, S., Kagan, E., and Ricker, B. 2011. Dear Diary: Early career geographers collectively reflect on their qualitative field research experiences. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 35 (1), 67-83. **Winner of Journal of Geography in Higher Education Biennial Prize**
Book chapters
Christensen, J. with P. Andrew. 2016. ‘They don’t let us look after each other like we used to’: reframing Indigenous homeless geographies as home/journeying in the Northwest Territories, Canada. In Christensen, J. and E. Peters (eds): International Perspectives on Indigenous Home and Homelessness, Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press.
Christensen, J. 2016. Indigenous homelessness: the Canadian Context. In Christensen, J. and E. Peters (eds): International Perspectives on Indigenous Home and Homelessness, Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press.
Other refereed contributions
Arnfjord, S. & Christensen, J. 2016. Understanding the social dynamics of homelessness in Nuuk. Poster presented at NUNA MED Conference, 1 October 2016, Nuuk, Greenland.
Arnfjord, S. & Christensen, J. 2016. Understanding the social dynamics of homelessness in Nuuk, Greenland, Northern Notes, Vol 45, Issue Spring/Summer 2016.
Christensen, J. 2015. Cultural safety and home/journeying: the need for new approaches to understanding homelessness in the Northwest Territories. Curb Magazine.
Christensen, J. 2013. Pathways to homelessness: rural-urban migration and housing insecurity in Yellowknife and Inuvik, Northwest Territories. Northern Public Affairs Journal, 1: 51-54.
Christensen, J. 2013. Putting it into context: teaching the Canadian North to learn about Canada. Canadian Issues, Winter 2013, 10-14.